3 Ways to Get Over Your Fear of Presenting

As crazy as it sounds, the average person ranks public speaking at the top of their list of biggest fears alongside their fear of death.  While the fear of public speaking might be shared among millions of people, the truth is that it adversely affects your ability to achieve your professional goals. How successful you are at selling yourself and your product depends on your ability to articulate and speak well in front of others.  The good news is that there are ways to manage your fears and learn how to become comfortable presenting in front of a crowd.  Here are three practical tips for overcoming your presentation anxiety.

Prepare and Practice

Before any public speaking engagement spend ample time preparing.  Write down a list of all your key points and any pertinent information.  Familiarize yourself with the material until you are comfortable with what you need to say.  Make a plan for how you want the presentation to go such as the sequence of your slides, when to ask questions, when to incorporate visuals, etc.  Knowing how your presentation should flow will help you to be more fluid on the day of your presentation.  Finally, practice, practice, practice!  Practice your presentation in front of a mirror and record yourself.  Make necessary changes and then practice again in front of family or friends.  The more you practice the more comfortable you will be when it comes time to present.


We have all had someone tell us to take a deep breath when we feel nervous but there is actually good reason for that.  When you are aware of your breath you have more control of your nerves.  Deep breathing exercises before a presentation will calm your heart rate and will also keep your voice centered.  This will prevent your voice from cracking and instead allow you to speak with resonance. The bottom line…breathing will help you relax, reduce stress, and perform better.

Just Be Yourself

You might not be the most experienced public speaker but that doesn’t mean you can’t be great.  People often feel nervous because they feel inadequate.  Remember two things: 1) You are here because you were asked to be here 2) People appreciate genuine sincerity.  Tell about your own experiences and speak from the heart.  When you are passionate about what you are talking about, your audience will pick up on that and your enthusiasm will be contagious.  People love to hear a speaker they can relate to rather than someone who tries to appear to be an expert.  Have fun and be yourself.  When you do, your audience will enjoy listening.

Despite the fact that most people are terrified of presenting in front of a crowd, it is a vital skill for business professionals.  Even the best public speakers started out with the same nerves.  The reality is that you can overcome you fear of presenting and hopefully these tips will be a good start.