The Only Pre-Presentation Checklist You Will Need

Preparation is the single most important part of giving a successful presentation.  This is a crucial element so you should dedicate plenty of time to planning.  Not only will good planning help you to execute a flawless presentation, but it will boost your confidence.  The stress of preparing the presentation coupled with pre-presentation jitters can make it difficult to keep track of everything that needs to be done prior to the big day.  This checklist will help you stay organized and ensure that you have everything covered prior to your public speaking engagement.

Event Planning

-Have I confirmed the date, time, and venue for the event?

-Have I properly notified attendees?


-What is the seating arrangement?

-How is the room set up? (theater, classroom, auditorium)

-Will there be a podium?  If so, do you plan to use it? If not, you should remove the podium as it creates a barrier between you and your audience.

-Is the room set to a comfortable temperature?  (Too hot or too cold can impact audience attention.)

Presentation Content

-Do I have all presentation materials prepared and with me? (notes, handouts, visual aids, slideshow)

-Have I allotted for the appropriate amount of time?

-Do I know the sequence of my presentation?

-Have I prepared for questions and comments?

-Do I have backup visuals in case of technical difficulties?


-Have I tested out all equipment to ensure it is working properly?





-PowerPoint or other presentation tool

-video clips

-Have I set the microphone to the correct volume?


-Do I have appropriate attire?

-suit or dress




-Will food or snacks be provided? If so, where will they be located?

-Will drinks be provided?

-At what point will I break for snacks and drinks?

This checklist is a great tool in organizing and preparing for you next presentation.  Use this as a guideline to make sure you have everything in place before your presentation begins.  Remember, the more prepared you are the more exceptional your presentation is going to be!