How to Keep Your Presentation Professional in a Relaxed Atmosphere

When we hear the word “presentation†most of us immediately imagine someone in a suit standing in front of an auditorium. However, not every presentation takes place in such a formal setting.  In fact, many presentations are giving in a conference room during a board meeting or even in the office in front of a small group.  When the atmosphere feels more relaxed, the challenge lies in keeping the presentation professional.  Here are some great tips for keeping your presentation professional and holding the audience’s attention even in the most informal settings.

Come Prepared

If your audience members are dressed in jeans and a button-down, you need to prepare the same way you would if they were all wearing a 3 piece suit.  Just because the atmosphere is relaxed doesn’t mean you can just come in and wing it.  The best way to give a presentation that is effective and professional is to spend ample time preparing.  Outline your speech, spend time on visuals, rehearse in front of a mock audience, and test out all equipment before you begin.  The more prepared you are, the more credible you will appear and the more you will earn the trust and respect of your audience.

Assert Yourself

An effective presenter needs to be assertive, not aggressive.  There are two things to focus on in order to deliver an assertive presentation: posture and presence.  A formal, upright posture will create a different feel than a relaxed and active one.  If you are giving a presentation in a relaxed atmosphere but you want to appear more professional, make deliberate choices about your physical posture that will demonstrate confidence.  Likewise, you want to display a confident presence.  Avoid apologizing or hiding behind a lectern.  Instead, work the room and make the audience feel like you have something interesting to share with them.

Make Eye Contact

Nothing says nervous and incompetent like a presenter that reads from their notes.  You want to engage your audience and speak to them and not at them.  This means you need to make eye contact with each audience member.  This allows you to connect with your audience and makes you appear confident in what you are saying.

Use Technology Wisely

With so much technology at our fingertips, it can almost feel mandatory to use at least a few presentation slides.  However, many of the best presenters don’t use slides at all.  Plan out your speech and know what you are going to say so you don’t feel the need to read to your audience from slides.  That said, it can certainly be a great idea to use photographs, video clips, illustrations to help your presentation come alive.  Be particular about the technology you choose and make sure you are only using it to bring your audience along on a creative journey.

Keep it Concise

Sure, you want your presentation to be full of useful, insightful, and relevant information but that doesn’t mean you need to try and cover every single detail.  Presentations are more effective when they are clear and concise.  Knowing what to include and what to leave out is crucial to the success of your presentation.  Speaking too long will cause you to lose audience attention and will make you appear less professional.

Dress the Part

If you want to be taken seriously, you need to look the part.  Just because you are speaking in a relaxed atmosphere doesn’t mean you get to show up in jeans and a t-shirt.  Remember, the audience will all be looking at you so you need to present yourself well.