Be Dramatic- How Taking Acting Classes Can Help You as a Presenter

Be Dramatic- How Taking Acting Classes Can Help You as a Presenter

No matter what industry you work in, there will probably come a time when you will have to present in front of an audience.  For some, they might have to give a sales pitch to a team in a conference room and for others this might entail giving a formal presentation in an auditorium.  Regardless of the size of your audience, speaking in public is a challenge for most people.  Acting classes are a great way to build confidence when standing in front of an audience and they can strengthen your communication skills and presence skills.  Let’s take a further look at how acting classes can help you become a better presenter.


Learn How to Respond to Your Audience

When most of us think of giving a presentation, we think of it as delivering information to an audience.  This mindset is totally focused on you, the presenter.  Very seldom do we give any thought to how the audience might receive the information.  We focus all of our energy on making sure we don’t leave out any important points.  Actors, however, must learn to be aware of how their audience is responding and make adjustments as needed.  This skill does not come naturally to most of us, so acting classes are a great way to learn how to shift your focus from yourself to your audience. When you are paying attention to how your listeners are responding, you become a more exciting speaker.


 Learn How to Use Body Language

You might know that body language is a powerful communication tool, but did you know that more than half of your impact as a speaker depends upon your body language? Your body language is hugely important when all eyes are on you. Acting classes can teach you skills for implementing effective body language.  Learn how to effectively control your gesture, stance, and facial expressions.  When you are presenting, strong body language helps you build credibility, express your emotions, and connect with your audience.


Learn How to Use Your Voice

Sure, we all know how to talk; but is your voice fully expressive?  If you want to connect with listeners and convey your points in a meaningful way, it takes plenty of practice.  Acting classes provide tools for learning how to be more expressive with your voice.  You will learn how to project your voice and use it to enhance your presentation.


Learn to Be Energetic

When was the last time an Oscar-winning performance was given by a dreary, lackluster actor?   Never and that’s because we aren’t entertained by boring. Sure, your presentation is not intended to be the next hit on Broadway, but audiences still appreciate energy and charisma.  Acting classes are a great way to get comfortable being energetic in front of an audience.  You will practice walking around the stage, making eye contact, using voice inflection, and projecting a positive energy.  All of these make you more memorable as a speaker and more entertained as an audience member.


Learn to be Confident in Front of an Audience

One of the hardest parts about presenting is stepping out in front of other people.  For some people, the fear of speaking in public is almost paralyzing.  There is only one way to overcome this fear and that is through practice.  It is much easier to practice during acting classes in front of total strangers than it is to practice in front of colleagues when your job is on the line.  That’s why acting classes provide the perfect forum for learning how to calm your nerves and speak with confidence in front of others.