How to Lengthen a Presentation

Striking that perfect duration for your presentation can be tricky. You may feel as though you prepared a presentation that will last the appropriate length and then find out as you are speaking that you grossly miscalculated. Presentations can go by very quickly, especially when you are nervous and speeding through the material. For instance, you may have planned for a 60-minute presentation but soon realize that it will be over in just 30 minutes. When this happens, what can you do to cover the remaining time? Here we will take a look at a few tips and tricks for making your presentation longer. 

Over-Prepare Ahead of Time

If you have been asked to present for 30 minutes, make sure you have at least 35 minutes of material. You should always be prepared to speak for at least 25% longer than you were asked. Therefore, prepare extra content that can be used if you end up needing more time, but can also be easily discarded if things are going well. It’s always better to over-prepare with additional material than wind up looking unprepared with a short presentation. 

Speak Slowly and Deliberately

You don’t need to speak as though you have been turned on slo-mo, but you should pay attention to the speed at which you are speaking. When we get nervous, it is normal for people to talk faster. That’s why you need to be conscious of your pace and take control of your voice and slow down. You should also include short pauses when making important points. Not only will this buy you a little more time, but it will also make your points more dramatic. By slowing down your speech, you both effectively lengthen your speech and make your message clear. 

Add in a Reserved Story

If you did your preparation and overprepared, you should have a story or anecdote in your reserve, ready to pull out if needed. If you notice that you are ahead of your schedule, this is the time to include that extra story in your presentation. However, be sure that whatever story you are telling is still relevant to the topic. You don’t want to add a story simply for the sake of time. It should only be added if it serves a purpose.

Include a Relevant Video Clip

Adding videos to your presentation can be a great way to add a little extra time. It can also help give you a break and ease your nerves. Keep in mind that like the story, the video must be relevant to your topic and support your message. You also want to keep the video short and sweet. Anything longer than 3 minutes can actually detract from the presentation. 


Audience Participation

Finally, audience participation is a great strategy to use when you need to extend your presentation. Not only will this lengthen your presentation, but it will also engage your audience. There are several ways to do this such as having a question and answer session, conducting a live poll, breaking into small groups, or simply asking for a show of hands. This can help you lengthen your presentation while still giving the audience a speech that is interesting and dynamic.