All posts by suzanne

How to Handle Nervousness and Stage Fright

The fear of public speaking is known as glossophobia, and it’s one of the most common and powerful fears. It can range from mild nervousness to paralyzing fear and panic. It can take the form of sweaty palms, a quavering voice, a rapid heartbeat, and shaking hands.  Many people avoid public speaking situations due to…

How to Use Personal Stories Effectively

As a presenter, your goal is to keep your audience interested and engaged so they remember your message. Whether you are pitching a new idea to potential clients or sharing important updates with your team members, the focus should be on getting your message across and not sharing bullet points of boring facts. One of…

The Power of Preparation: How to Make the Most of Your Time

The key to delivering an effective presentation is preparation. The better you prepare, the more confident you will feel. Good preparation will also help to alleviate some aspects of presentation nervousness and anxiety, improving your chances for a successful presentation. Here we will take a look at some helpful preparation tips and how they can…

Developing a Strong Stage Presence

Having a strong stage presence is the key to delivering a great presentation. If you think about the most memorable presentations you have heard, you probably notice that the speakers command the stage with charisma, energy, and confidence. A huge part of your success as a presenter depends on your ability to capture and command…

How to Handle Questions and Objections

It has been long known that delivering engaging presentations is the key to success in the business world. However, it has more recently been discovered that the way in which speakers respond to questions and objections during presentations is just as important. Research has shown that audiences’ evaluations of speakers were significantly affected by how…

How to Make the Most of Presentation Rehearsals

  When you are asked to give a presentation, you probably spend the majority of your time preparing the content. You want to make sure that you have an amazing opening line, engaging visuals, and a deep understanding of the topic. But, have you also saved some time to focus on rehearsal? This is a…

The Power of Silence in Presentations

Most presenters spend the majority of their time preparing what to say and how to say it. This is certainly important because you obviously want to clearly communicate your information. However, it is important that speakers not overlook the power and importance of silence. Silence is one of the most valuable tools we have when…