PowerPoint Planning: Knock Your Presentation Out of the Zoom Room

Now that more people are working from home, online presentation tools such as Zoom have become the norm for conducting meetings and doing business. While Zoom certainly has its advantages, presenting a PowerPoint via Zoom is very different from presenting in person. The lack of physical presence and body language can make it even more difficult to connect with and engage your audience. That’s why it’s even more important to create a dynamic powerpoint. Consider the following tips for creating an engaging and effective PowerPoint for your next Zoom meeting.

Structure it Like a Story

People love stories not only because they are interesting and engaging, but also because they follow a general outline that makes it easy for listeners to follow along. There is a clear beginning, middle, and end which makes the story flow in a way in which everything makes sense. When you are outlining your PowerPoint, you want to structure it as you would a story. You should have a beginning that includes a powerful opening and introduction. Next, you will want to add some supporting points (it is recommended to stick to just three), and finally, you will want to conclude with a summary and call to action. 

Avoid Text Heavy Slides

Your slides are designed to support what you are saying, not to say everything themselves. You don’t want to distract the audience from what you are saying by presenting them with text-heavy slides. It can also be frustrating and exhausting for an audience to try and navigate through a mountain of information and other content. You want them to be able to look at the slide and get the point in a single glance. The best way to accomplish this is by using more images and less text. 

Include Powerful Visuals

Visuals make information easier to understand and this is even more relevant when giving a Zoom presentation. Since the audience cannot actually see you, they are relying solely on what they see on the screen and hear in order to understand the information. Therefore, you want to keep things simple, yet engaging. Here are a few suggestions for powerful visuals:

Charts and Graphs: Charts and graphs are a great way to present numbers and statistics. If you are presenting research findings of some sort, consider doing so in the form of a chart or graph. This will make it easier for the audience to interpret the data. 


Maps: If you are presenting geographical data, you can make it easier to visualize by incorporating a map. 


Videos: Videos are a great way to make your presentation more engaging and interesting to the audience. A relevant video can also be highly effective for supporting your points. 


Stock Photos: Stock photos, when used sparingly, can add value and color to your slides and can help you set the tone for your idea or point.

Make it Interactive

One of the most challenging aspects to a Zoom presentation is the lack of face-to-face interaction. It can be difficult to connect with an audience you can’t see. By making your slides interactive, you can spice up your presentation and capture audience’s attention at the same time. 


Include Links: One easy way to make your presentation interactive is to include links to a web page or graphic. 


Interactive Quizzes: Another fun way to make your PowerPoint more engaging is to include an interactive quiz. 

Live Polling: Another popular trend among presenters is incorporating a live polling tool where you can poll your audience and see the results in real time.Â