Preparing Everything You Need Before Starting

Preparation is the single most important component of any presentation. Adequate preparation ensures you will deliver a thoughtful, compelling, and concise presentation. There are several things you will need to prepare before your big presentation and as your nerves begin to take over, it can be difficult to remember everything you will need. So, before beginning your next presentation, be sure you have prepared all the necessities. 

Key Points

There is no point in giving a presentation if it doesn’t cover the most important points. Spend some time reflecting on the topic and jot down the points that you really want to hammer home. Think of those important points that you want audiences to remember and make a mental note of these points, so you don’t forget them when you begin presenting. 


Public speaking is not an easy feat and it can make presenters extremely nervous. These nerves can make it even more challenging to remember all your information so it’s important to prepare an outline of your presentation. Start with your key points and build off these. While you do not need to script your entire presentation, outlines can be a helpful tool, so you don’t forget what you have planned to stay. They can also help you stay on track and move fluidly from one point to another.  

Visual Aids

Visuals are a great way to attract and hold audience attention. They can also have a dramatic impact on your presentation, making it more interesting and memorable. Visual aids can include PowerPoint, graphic organizers, photographs, video clips, props, and slideshows. Before you begin your presentation, you should always double check your visuals and make sure everything is ready to go. 


Handouts such as brochures, pamphlets, and notes can be a great tool for presenters because they provide audiences with something tangible to help them remember the information. Before you begin your presentation, make sure all of your handouts are printed and organized so you can grab them and pass them out quickly. 


Technology is certainly a great tool for enhancing your presentation but sometimes it fails us. You will quickly lose your audience (and perhaps some credibility) if you are fumbling around trying to figure out your technology. Before beginning your presentation, check your computer, speaker, microphone, projector, audiovisual equipment, and any other type of technology you might be using. You want to ensure everything is working properly before you begin speaking.