Strategies for Live Webinar Presentations

We live in a digital world and we might frequently be asked to give live presentations through  digital formats such as webinars. While webinars are a great tool for reaching audience members anywhere in the world, it can be difficult to connect with an audience that’s not physically in front of you. Oftentimes, presenters rely on visual cues from the audience to get a feel for their response and this can make webinars a bit more challenging. Nevertheless, here are some strategies that are effective for engaging audiences and presenting an impactful webinar. 

Pay Close Attention to the Sound

Audio is undoubtedly the most important component of your webinar. Without it, your entire meeting will fall apart. Therefore, make sure you choose an appropriate high quality microphone. The built-in speakers on your laptop aren’t usually reliable enough so it’s important to use external mics. You also want to be cognizant of the location where you will be presenting. Too much background noise can make it difficult for your audience to hear you. A quiet, sound-proof room usually works best. 

Have a Technical Assistant

As with any technology, there is always a chance that things will go wrong so you want to have a technical assistant available that can navigate any technical issues. You need to be focused on delivering the material so it’s important to have a separate assistant who can handle any problems in real time. 

Speak to People, Not the Computer Screen

It’s important to remember that there are real people on the other side of the screen so you want to speak to them as you would in a conversation. Avoid reading from slides and focus on connecting with the people to whom you are speaking. Engage with your audience by asking questions along the way and provide opportunities for the audience to interact with you. Encourage them to interact by sending emails and questions, tweeting you with a unique hashtag, or communicating through other forms of social media. 

Spend Time on Your Graphics

When you are delivering a presentation in person, the focus is mainly on the speaker and the graphics simply back up what you are saying. Conversely, graphics play an integral role in webinars. They are a great tool for explaining information and can really cut down on text heavy slides. Since the audience doesn’t have the chance to connect with you physically, they rely on your graphics to illustrate your main points. 

Provide Valuable Information

It is important that you deliver a concise presentation filled with practical information. Your audience wants to leave your webinar with some takeaway so you don’t need to waste their time with unnecessary fluff. Consider using real life experiences, interesting infographics, and even humor to keep your audience’s attention. Get straight to the point and even provide audience members with a detailed outline so they can easily follow along. 

Consider a Panel of Speakers

Unlike in-person presentations, having only one speaker in a webinar can feel monotonous. Consider featuring multiple speakers to change up the pace of the webinar and keep the audience engaged. 

Practice, Practice, Practice!

It may be tempting to “wing it†since you aren’t presenting in front of an actual audience but practice is the key to delivering a powerful webinar. You need to be just as prepared as you would if you were stepping up in front of a large auditorium. Practice your delivery to be sure your presentation flows nicely. Practice with all of your audio visual equipment to be sure it is working properly. Practice speaking alongside the rest of your panel and be prepared to answer questions. Remember that your voice is your connection so avoid using words like “um†and focus on conversational speaking.