The Importance of Taking the Lead in Group Presentations

You may be asked to give a team presentation from time to time and this isn’t always an easy task. While it may seem easier at first than giving a solo presentation, the truth is, a group presentation requires the collaboration of multiple team members. This can be a challenge when you are dealing with people who have varying opinions. In order to be successful, a team presentation must come off as just that: a team presentation. Therefore, it is important that someone step up and take the lead…and why not let that person be you! Here are just a few reasons why it’s important to take the lead in a group presentation. 

The Leader Acts as a Facilitator

Every group needs to have a leader who will guide the group in making decisions and setting clear goals. The leader’s job is to facilitate the process of deciding on the objectives and key points of the presentation so that every member of the group is on the same page. Once the group has decided on the main goals of their presentation, the leader of the group can help divide the team up and delegate specific tasks to each member. 

Assign Tasks and Follow Up

The leader has another important job of assigning tasks to each group member. For example, one team member can be researching a particular topic while another is focused on putting together a slideshow. It is important for someone to take the lead to ensure that every member of the group knows exactly what their role is. As leaders assign tasks, they can also establish a timeline for each task and follow up to make sure they are completed on time.

Plan Rehearsals

Once all of the tasks have been completed, it is important for the group to meet for a few dress rehearsals prior to the actual presentation. You want to ensure every member of the group knows exactly what to say and do so the presentation is fluid. This is also a good chance to test any technology that will be used and gather any necessary materials. 

You Can Stand Out

If given the chance, it’s always beneficial to take the lead in a group presentation because it gives you an opportunity to showcase your leadership skills such as communication, organization, and an ability to delegate. Your manager will take notice of how well you led your group and it can help you land other leadership roles within your team.