7 Essential Tips That Will Turn You Into a Confident Speaker

Public speaking is an important skill that can help you build your network, foster relationships, get new business, and increase your chances of getting promoted. The ability to speak well in public is a highly sought after skill, and one that can have a huge impact on your professional success. That said, nearly 75% of adults suffer from speaking anxiety. Most people immediately get anxious at the very thought of speaking in public. That’s why it is crucial to take the right steps to improve your public speaking skills. With the right practice and preparation, anyone can learn how to become a more confident speaker. Here are some tips that will help you improve your public speaking skills so you can present with confidence. 

1. Become an Expert on Your Topic

When a speaker is very knowledgeable about a topic and they are passionate about it, that resonates with listeners. When you are an expert on your topic, you feel confident and empowered to then educate your audience. Therefore, take time to research your topic and learn as much as you can before preparing your presentation. You appear more confident when you can deliver convincing arguments, so gather interesting facts, stories, quotes, and examples. The more you know about your topic, the more confident you will be when you are presenting about it. 

2. Practice, Practice, Practice!

No one becomes a successful speaker without plenty of practice. There is no better way to build confidence than by practicing and rehearsing over and over. Just as practice helps athletes improve their skills, the same is true for public speaking. The more you do it, the better you will become. Practice at home in front of your mirror. Practice in front of friends and family.  You should even seek opportunities to speak in front of a small audience. For example, offer to lead the team meeting for the week or volunteer to speak at an informal event. All of these are safe ways to learn and practice without pressure. Nothing is more important than getting out there and practicing. 

3. Video Yourself Speaking

The next time you speak in front of a small group or even in front of family or friends, ask someone to video you. This can be an extremely helpful tool because oftentimes how we think we did isn’t always the same as how others perceive us. Watching yourself on video can help you become more aware of things you do well and things you need to improve. For instance, are you talking too fast, using words like “um,†not making eye contact, failing to use inflection, or forgetting to pause? All of these little things can help you improve your skills to become more confident the next time you are speaking in front of a group. 

4. Visualize Success

Many athletes and entertainers will tell you that they spend time mentally preparing and visualizing success before their big performance. That’s because it works! There is a lot to be said about the power of positive thinking. If you picture yourself feeling confident and delivering an engaging speech, you will increase your odds of this actually happening. Focus on the feeling of success and keep visualizing it until you convince yourself that you will do your best. 

5. Dress for Success

In addition to practice and preparation, you can also boost your confidence by dressing well. This means wearing comfortable clothing that looks both professional and stylish. When you feel good about the way you look, that will make you so much more confident when you stand up in front of a crowd. 

6. Prepare for Mistakes

The worst thing that can happen to you, and what most people fear, is making a mistake. Perhaps you fumble over a word, lose your place, or forget what you are going to say next. All of these mistakes can cause you to start blushing, sweating, or experiencing an increased heart rate. One of the best ways to feel more confident is to prepare for mistakes. Mistakes are bound to happen from time to time so rather than fear the inevitable, plan for it. Prepare a few backup lines in case you forget what to say. Don’t be afraid to laugh at yourself. The audience will appreciate your sincerity and this can actually help you boost both your confidence and your credibility. 

7. Learn From Other Speakers

If you want to improve your skills, learn from the best. Attend live events or conferences. Sign up for public speaking courses. Watch TED talks. All of these are great ways to learn from others. Pay attention to what these speakers do well and take notes. Then, try to incorporate some of these skills into your own talk.