7 Persuasive Public Speaking Tips

There may come a time when you have to give a presentation persuading your audience to believe or do something. Perhaps you are an entrepreneur trying to persuade a group of venture capitalists to invest in your idea or you might be giving a sales presentation to a potential client. Whatever the reason, there are strategies you can follow to influence your audience and persuade them to take action. Consider the following tips for your next persuasive presentation. 

1. Become an Expert on the Topic

Research the topic that you will be presenting and ensure you know as much as you can about it. Find articles, books, respected journals, and studies from universities to support your research. The more you can demonstrate your knowledge of the topic, the more likely the audience will view you as an expert and find you to be a credible source. The first step in persuading your audience is convincing them that you are an expert in your field. 

2. Research Your Audience

Who will be attending your presentation? What are their goals? What is motivating them? What is their prior knowledge of your topic? The more you know about your audience, the more you can tailor your presentation to meet their needs. Speak in a way that makes your audience feel as though you are speaking directly to them. 

3. Set and State Your Goal

As you prepare for your presentation, identify the goal you are trying to achieve so you can structure your presentation around that goal. When you begin your presentation, state your goal and explain its importance so the audience understands your intent right from the start. Structure your presentation in a way that guides the audience through the importance of your goal. 

4. Anticipate Obstacles

Not everyone is easily persuaded and you must plan for obstacles. Anticipate any counter arguments to your presentation and seek to understand all opinions and viewpoints. Then, plan how you will address those concerns and counter arguments during your presentation. 

5. Back Up Your Points

Be prepared to back up your arguments with facts, data, and evidence to support your pitch. People are motivated to act when they can see factual evidence to support your points. GIve your audience real-life examples and reasons to agree with each of your points such as personal testimonies or stories that will appeal to the audience. 

6. Tell an Attention-Grabbing Story

You want to capture the attention of your audience right from the start in a persuasive presentation and nothing does that as well as a good story. Use a personal or real-life story to illustrate the goal of your presentation. Choose a story that is relevant and relatable to your specific audience. This is a great way to tap into the emotions of your audience and persuade them to act. 

7. End with a Call to Action

Conclude your presentation with a call to action that summarizes the goal of your speech. Tell the audience what you hope they will do next, such as voting for something, purchasing your product, investing in your idea, or signing a petition. Restate your main points and reinforce your call to action.Â