How to Tell the Right Story to Your Audience

Storytelling is a form of communication that has been around for centuries and it’s a great way to connect with people. People love a good story and it helps people to understand your background, experiences, and beliefs in an engaging way. When you treat your audience to a great story, it helps them to connect with you and your message on a more personal level and it helps them to better understand and remember the information. If you are looking for ways to incorporate a compelling narrative into your next presentation, consider these tips for crafting the perfect story. 


Know Your Audience

In order to choose the right story, you must first understand your audience. Knowing their pain points and what they value is the first step in creating a story that will resonate with your listeners. Find out what topics interest them or if you have any shared experiences. Look for common ground, as this is a great way to relate to your audience and show them you are taking a genuine interest in their beliefs and values. 


Have a Clear Message

Make sure you understand what message you are trying to convey to your audience. What is the purpose of your story and what do you want your audience to take away from your presentation? What is the call to action and how do you want your audience to react? Stories are a strategic marketing tool but they need to relate to your message. Make sure the story aligns with the overall message you are trying to convey. 


Tell a True Story

Fiction is great for novels but it’s not the best approach for a business presentation. The idea of a story is to help your audience relate to your message in real life. If you want to truly connect with your audience, you need to tell a story that is true and authentic. This is the best way to evoke emotion and tug at the heartstrings of your audience. You want your story to be as authentic and credible as you are. 


Structure Your Story

Just as a book has a beginning, middle, and end, so too should your story. You want to make sure your story has a clearly defined structure that is easy for the audience to follow. Your story should include specific names of characters as well as a conflict and how it was resolved. The idea is for your story to be compelling and resonate with listeners. 


Incorporate Visuals

It has been said that a picture is worth a thousand words and studies have proven that visuals help audiences to understand and retain information. Make your story even more memorable and relevant through the use of visuals. You can easily make your story more meaningful through the use of videos, pictures, or props.