Why Your Body Language Matters in Presentations

The moment you take the stage, all eyes are on you. Did you know that more than half of your impact as a speaker is dependent upon your body language? The audience is already making assumptions about you and how you are feeling based on your nonverbal cues. They will be able to tell if you are nervous, confident, passionate, or indifferent. Within the first few minutes of your presentation, the audience has already decided whether or not you are a credible speaker. Therefore, you want to make the most of your time by acing your body language. 

Nonverbal Cues to Consider When Presenting

Body language consists of five main nonverbal cues: hand gestures, eye contact, posture, movement, and facial expressions. 

1. Hand Gestures

Hand gestures should be used throughout a presentation to make your message clearer, not to be a distraction. For example, pointing or using your hands to emphasize key points will draw in your audience’s attention. Fidgeting, putting your hands in your pocket, or clenching your fists, on the other hand, will convey nervousness. 

2. Eye Contact

Eye contact is so important to engage and connect with your audience. Presenters who look down or avoid eye contact will lose that connection and will likely lose audience interest. 

3. Posture

Presentation posture should include standing tall, chin up, shoulders back, and open arms- never crossed. This will convey confidence and authority and invite your audience into the conversation. 

4. Movement

This is not the time to stand in one spot in the middle of the stage like a statue. The best presenters move around the stage with confidence and natural energy. 

5. Facial Expressions

Your facial expressions can say a lot to the audience. For example, a monotone expression can suggest a lack of interest in the topic while a smile or face full of energy expresses warmth and enthusiasm. 

What Your Body Language Suggests

When you are presenting, strong body language is an essential tool in helping you build credibility, express your emotions, and connect with your audience. It also makes your presentation more engaging and helps your listeners to focus more intently on your message. Effective body language conveys power, conviction, and confidence and audiences respond best to people who are energetic and passionate. The way you present yourself through your body language will have the biggest impact on your overall message.